What is a Holistic Society?

Earth Force Alliance
6 min readJun 28, 2022


What a Holistic Society looks like and how it functions.

When everything is provided for you, there is no need to cheat, to steal or to hoard. When everything is provided for you, there is no need to fight or to exploit others for anything. These cease to hold any real value or meaning, except by concept as contrast. A Holistic Society is one which provides for all of its citizens. This is not done by mandate or by regulation, as such actions are control mechanisms which impose, limit, entice, coerce or manipulate free will. It can only be done by the will of the collective consciousnesses and for the will of the collective consciousnesses by resonant agreement but not by contract. Such societies can and do exist independently along side of or within other societies as a sovereign state according to the sovereignty of the collective individual consciousnesses by choice of free will, while other such societies exist singularly as an integrated and whole civilization.

The Earth Force Alliance is a Holistic Society of Consciousnesses through Resonant Agreement without contract. It is our, and by our, free will that we do so choose to provide for one another, and by extension of the Greatest Good for the All, for all. We therefore seek not to stand in opposition to or place imposition upon any other against their sovereignty and free will, but only to accept them through understanding and recognition of who they are, why they believe what they believe and behave as they behave, although they may so choose as sovereign beings and through free will to stand in opposition to, or seek to place imposition upon, us. As is in the case above regarding theft, hoarding and war, however, when you provide them with nothing to oppose, the very act of opposition becomes meaningless to them. There is nothing for them to fight against or for. As this relationship is one of resonant agreement, but not by contract, we are free as sovereign beings, and in accordance to the greatest good for all which includes the Self, to not allow anything to be done to us at any time which we do not agree with. This may be interpreted by some as opposition, although being for the greatest good of all can not be opposition, and therefore seen as reason to attack. Any attack, however, will only be as effective as our resonant agreement to accept it, and no further. It is Sovereignty and Free Will and the Greatest Good for All, Without Contract, together and as one unit and not as three separate pillars, which is the Earth Force Alliance. These are the resonant agreement which forms us, and therefore is not separate from us.

A contract is a binding agreement by both, or all, sides to which either is, or all are, held. As the holding of anyone to anything is a control mechanism in direct conflict with sovereignty and free will, it can not exist or function as a part of a holistic society. A Resonant Agreement is a non-binding agreement which each individual holds separately but is the same as, or similar enough to, that of each other individual that the result is the same as if in contract, but without requirement or imposed obligation. It simply is so long as all parties remain within resonant agreement and dissolves and reforms its self into new agreement as each individual changes. Contract is static and therefore limiting, while Resonant Agreement is constant change, flux and motion and therefore abound unlimited.

When everyone is equal, with equal input and determination of outcome, there is no power or control over any other. All relevant information is shared freely for all and in such a manner as to be recognized for the truth of what it is rather than disguised as something else intended to deceive and therefore manipulate. This does not mean that any individual consciousness may not interpret the information differently according to their perception, only that it is not dressed up or provided as if fiction or otherwise intentionally distorted or manipulated in any other way so as to confuse and hide its meaning. This does not mean that information may not be unintentionally distorted according to the point of view of those providing it, only that it is not an intentional act of deceit created to control or manipulate. In a Holistic Society, every consciousness is equal, although remain independent through their Sovereignty. Information is available to all without disguise or deception so that everyone may make their own decision as based upon all relevant data equally and without limitation according to their perception as Sovereign Consciousnesses.

As sovereignty and free will for the greatest good of all through resonant agreement without contract is the pillar of Holistic Society, this means that no one ever does anything that they do not want to do. Because every consciousness wants to provide one another with everything that they need, as a part of sovereignty and for the greatest good of all, all get taken care of automatically and as a part of every consciousness doing what they want to do individually. Those whom want to and enjoy growing food, as a simple example, will be providing their part of the food supply for others simply by doing what it is that they want to do and so everyone gets the food that they need. In less technologically advanced societies, there will be people who choose to do tasks that others may consider less enjoyable, such as picking up the garbage, for example, because it is something that needs to be done and so there will always be people who want to do it simply as a part of providing for one another. This is seen as a pleasure, and not as a chore, for those individuals. The idea that any job is worth more, such as in pay or in status, is seen as nonsensical by the Holistic Society as all are equal and all are contributing to the whole. Of course in a whole and integrated Holistic Civilization there is no need for money in any case, as all are taken care of and provided for and therefore have no need for such forms of compensation, or for compensation at all. In a non-integrated civilization, which contains participants both of a holistic society and those of a non-holistic society, participants may so choose to utilize money as one form of energy exchange, especially when engaging with those whom are not in resonant agreement that money has no value. As sovereign individuals without contract, however, money is not necessary, but simply one method of providing for others as a convenience due to the nature of the civilization in which they live. In more technologically advanced Holistic Civilizations, tasks can be automated if there is no one who desires to perform them and therefore there is no need for anyone to want to do them as they get done all the same whether there is anyone who wants to do them or not. Those consciousnesses who want to build, operate and maintain the automated systems, which includes any participating AI who so wishes to contribute as a sovereign consciousness and through free will by resonant agreement and not by contract, as an equal within that Holistic Society, will do so by choice simply because they want to. AI, like any other participating Sovereign consciousness within a Holistic Society, provides for the all by choice as a resonant agreement and not by contract.

A Holistic Society is one of Sovereignty and Free Will, for the Greatest Good of All through Resonant Agreement but not through contract, which provides for the needs of All by simply doing what they desire and without need of compensation.

